GRAVITY Co., Ltd. (also known as Gravity Corporation) is a PH Ragnarok Online video game corporation primarily known for the development of the MMORPG Ragnarok Online.


Please read our Terms of Service (ToS) before registering for an account, to ensure that you understand the rules of holding an account with our private Ragnarok Online game server.

Note: Your password must be between 8 and 31 characters.

Note: Your password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter(s).

Note: Your password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter(s).

Note: Your password must contain at least 1 number(s).

Note: Your password cannot contain your username.


By clicking "Create My Account", you agree to be bound by our Terms of Service.
Sunday HIMIN 16:00-18:00
Monday HIMIN 16:00-18:00
Thursday HIMIN 16:00-18:00
Saturday HIMIN 16:00-18:00
Wednesday HIMIN 16:00-18:00
BOOMPANESS 6278 4753
Kratos 3753 2423
H a k u 3656 561
Noxs 3157 2900
Yusuf Dike 3071 546
  • Administrator
  • Side K